

企業(yè)新聞 技術(shù)文章



更新時(shí)間:2013-08-13      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):1063


Fieldbus at New Power Levels

Excitement around electrical explosion protection

FieldConnex DART Fieldbus
Intrinsic safety has been at the forefront of spark-prevention technology for decades. Proven in practice and simple to use, intrinsic safety is the most popular method of explosion protection. It is extremely safe and easy to apply. However, the low available direct power has limited its use in communication, instrument, and control technology. With DART Technology this is about to change.

Dynamic Arc Recognition and Termination reliably detects sparks developing anywhere within an electric circuit and cuts off the energy supply within only a few microseconds to prevent the spark from reaching an ignitable temperature. DART provides more power while maintaining the energy limits of intrinsic safety, opening new possibilities for plant operators. For its first application, which is fieldbus in hazardous areas DART Technology ends previous limitations for the number of devices and their power requirements.


DART Fieldbus, FieldConnex®,已可安裝使用。

FieldConnex®的 DART各種元件已入庫待售。現(xiàn)場總線裝備達(dá)到了從未有過的安全和強(qiáng)大-*的本質(zhì)安全。DART現(xiàn)場總線滿足眾多用戶要求的:本安大功率主干線概念。DART現(xiàn)場總線克服了FISCO 或現(xiàn)場總線實(shí)體系統(tǒng)的能限,同時(shí)允許:
  • 允許主干線上和設(shè)備的現(xiàn)場運(yùn)行在線作業(yè)
  • 帶負(fù)載分配的冗余供電
  • 更長的電纜和更多的設(shè)備
  • 減少了機(jī)柜空間需求

DART現(xiàn)場總線具有ATEX和IEC Ex認(rèn)證,適于實(shí)際應(yīng)用。


DART Power Hub

DART Power Hub
DART Power Hub
DART Power Hub建立在得到廣泛好評的FieldConnex®高密度 Power Hub基礎(chǔ)之上。為網(wǎng)段和DCS系統(tǒng)連接供電。它可以檢測并切斷火花。
  • 電源模塊冗余
  • 輸出電量22.5 V/360 mA
  • 適用于物理層監(jiān)測的可選診斷模塊
  • 主干線長可達(dá)1000m


DART 段保護(hù)器

DART 段保護(hù)器
DART 段保護(hù)器
DART 段保護(hù)器提供本質(zhì)安全輸出Ex ib。可連接任何本安設(shè)備。
  • 可提供短路保護(hù)
  • 每網(wǎng)段達(dá)到4個(gè)段保護(hù)器
  • 每段保護(hù)器12輸出
  • 輸出10.5…22.5V/34mA









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